Museums Want You to Think about the Conditions for Art MakingAbout the Museum of Craft and Design’s Fight and Flight exhibition, collective housing for artists, and books about their homes and…Sep 9, 2023Sep 9, 2023
Published inVaisselle ma belleOde au buffet à vaisselleLa vaisselle est indispensable aux traditions d’hospitalité, même dans ses formes les plus simples, et objet de fierté. On la retrouve par…Feb 5, 2023Feb 5, 2023
Published inVaisselle ma belleEverything Is Bigger in the United States (Including Forks)How a small design differences make the everyday feel wrongJan 28, 2023Jan 28, 2023
Published inVaisselle ma belleAmora nos enfancesLe verre à moutarde décoré, marque une enfance en France après les années 60.Aug 26, 2020Aug 26, 2020
Published inThe Bold ItalicI’m Turning 30 in 2020. I Don’t Want a Celebration.Outside is off limits, and I don’t think anyone has energy left for a Zoom partyAug 24, 20201Aug 24, 20201
Published inUX CollectiveEvaluating technologies with and for visually impaired people30 years of evaluating innovative accessible or assistive technology in Human-Computer Interaction research and how we could do betterMay 2, 2020May 2, 2020
Published inUsabilityGeekThematic analysis in HCIBraun and Clarke’s thematic analysis has become a staple of qualitative HCI research. Here’s how to get started with their reflexive…Apr 22, 20206Apr 22, 20206
When Punishing Young People for Using Tech Widens the Social DivideMany initiatives attempt to initiate young people to programming to increase the diversity of the tech industry. But current ways of…Aug 19, 2019Aug 19, 2019
Micro-ethics in Participatory Design with ChildrenA summary of our recent work on ethics in Participatory design with Katta Spiel.Jul 16, 2019Jul 16, 2019